About the high risk medulloblastoma study

The high-risk medulloblastoma (HRMB) trial is for patients older than three years. Around 850 children and young people across Europe will be taking part in this trial. Each patient will be randomly allocated to different treatments. We will assess each patient’s quality of life at least twice to see how they are doing during the trial. The first time will be early on after diagnosis and the second time will be around two years post diagnosis.

Quality of life in clinical trials

Quality of life is a person’s view of their own health and well-being. Quality of life can be affected during and after treatment for a serious illness requiring hospital care. It’s important to assess quality of life in clinical trials to see how different treatments affect a patient’s quality of life.


KLIK is a website where patients taking part in a clinical trial can answer questions about their quality of life. Parents or carers can answer questions about the patient’s quality of life too. This information can then be put together with all the other information from the trial to give us a better understanding about the treatments.


The European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe or SIOPE) is a pan-European organisation representing all professionals working in the field of childhood cancers. Members come from many European countries and together they are leading the way to ensure the best possible care and outcomes for all children and adolescents with cancer in Europe.


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